Relationship Resolve
Family Mediation
07471 411978 07801 289514
Our Services
We specialise in providing mediation regarding:
People say...
"I first started going to see Judi with my wife after we had been suffering problems. I think that Judi is one of those inspirational people that just ‘gets’ people. She seemed to get to the root of an issue in just a few sentences with the precision of a highly skilled marksperson!
It's really difficult to sum up in a few words how beneficial she has been. My wife and I have now separated but I think that does not detract from the benefits that I talk about. Sometimes a couple need help to learn how to split well and with respect, and I sometimes shudder to think about what things might have been like between us - had we not come to see her.
I think, going to see Judi, as a couple has helped both of us face the future with strength and positivity."
LG, Male, 40, North London
We individually hold UKCP registration, and COSRT accreditation (the UK Council for Psychotherapy, the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists)
Judi Keshet Orr is also a Fellow of COSRT and NCIP (The Nation Council of Integrative Psychotherapy). Jean Miller is BACP Registered (British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy).
Pre Divorce Mediation
If a relationship is in difficulties
Sometimes, even if a couple is having couples/relationship therapy to try to work things out together, they may decide to separate in order to give each other space to see how they feel about each other and whether they want to stay together in the long-term.
We explore with you to decide whether this is a temporary separation or more permanent. We support you in your decision making process. Above all, we help you to communicate in a collaborative way as well as to consider the realities of your changing situations and your different wishes and perspectives
Our service is different from couples/ relationship therapy in that it can help you to look at the practicalities of this decision, such as, whether there should be a finite length of time for this separation and if so, how long the separation might last, where will you both stay etc.
Clearly, where there is a chance the relationship might be restored or recovered communication between you is of the utmost importance and we will work to ensure that constructive and honest communication is encouraged during this time.
​If you decide to divorce or permanently separate
At what is often a very painful and challenging time, we can help you to work together collaboratively to make the decisions you need to as efficiently and effectively as possible, ensuring that both people have the best possible chance to express what they need and want.
The main areas which are often brought to us are usually concerning arrangements for the children, extended family and communication issues.
However, couples at this time may want to look at how they manage the initial separation. They might need to establish interim living arrangements and how you spend time with the children. You may wish to discuss the influence or contact arrangements of extended family members and how these can best be resolved if there is conflict. If a separation or divorce progresses and permanent arrangements need to be discussed and resolved we will help you to try to decide these fairly.
Following a separation or divorce
If arrangements have not worked out well over time, it might be beneficial for ex-partners to come to the table to see if issues can be resolved calmly and without acrimony.
If you would like to know more or to discuss booking an initial session please contact us -without obligation.

Get in Touch
Whether you are an existing client, a new client or simply have questions, we will be delighted to hear from you: